One on One Study

One on One Study

Study Judaism: Your Level, Your Turf, Your Choice So the classes are all at the wrong times. Or you feel that the material is on a higher level/lower level than you are. Or you want to study something specific. No problem! Would you like to study with Rabbi or Rebbetzin one-on-one? Let us know what you’d…

Lunch & Learn

Lunch & Learn

During your lunch break, why not feed your soul as well as your body? Drawing inspiration from the weekly Torah portion and Jewish holidays, Chabad’s Lunch & Learn series are relevant, insightful and a refreshing break in the midst of a fast-paced work day. For more info contact [email protected] Great food. Great people. Great topics. See you there!

Bar / Bat Mitzvah

At Chabad we see a Bar/Bat Mitzva as an opportunity for a child to explore and discover what being Jewish really means. Not just a lavish party, a Bar/Bat Mitzva an experience that can mold a child, leaving an everlasting imprint on his/her life forever.  We offer private Bar/Bat Mitzvah training and will work with your schedule and…

Our Philosophy

Our school is a contemporary learning center that successfully caters to Jewish families from all walks of life. Our school welcomes every Jew, regardless of religious background or level of observance. It is for this reason that our school does not require any membership or prior affiliations as a condition for enrollment. Hebrew School of…

About Us

About Us

Inspiring Judaism through the Universal Language of the Arts Hebrew School of The Arts offers a stimulating and friendly environment where children embrace their Jewish roots and gain a true sense of Jewish pride, no matter their level of observance or affiliation. Our goal is simple: we want our students to acquire an appreciation for Judaism…



A “Yahrzeit”, (anniversary of a loved one’s passing) is a time to remember the person, in the synagogue by reciting the kaddish prayer, through the giving of extra charity and through learning. Jewish Law requires that the Kaddish be recited during the first eleven months following the death of a loved one by prescribed mourners, and on each anniversary…